Our services
Discover how to get from a distracted audience with information overload, short attention spans and no engagement ...
... to a targeted Marketing approach, which reaches your audience and drives conversion.
Integrated Marketing Communication 4.0
Strategy & Advertising for the Digital Age
For more than 15 years the whiteisland team has been active in marketing communication & strategy, web-tech, social media and marketing management. In the digital age, effective and targeted communication is key.
With communication channels open 24/7 and endless offers through websites, platforms, blogs, news sites and social media, potential customers are overloaded by a constant inflow of irrelevant information. Only with a targeted Marketing 4.0 approach, new customers can be reached effectively and current customers lead into loyalty.
That’s why whiteisland focuses on an outstanding visual & graphical design combined with cutting edge web technologies which enable our customers to reach their target audiences efficiently.
By implementing marketing automation tools, applying effective SEO and SEM strategies, our customers always stay a step ahead of their competition – and are able to reduce their marketing costs significantly. Sounds like exactly what you need in order to drive conversions and sales?
Contact us now for a free marketing 4.0 automation analysis!
Contact us now ...

Marcel H. Cecchetti
Managing Partner
Calle de María de Molina, 41
Edificio Spaces
28006 Madrid, Spain